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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

secrets healthy bananas

The secret of bananas


Every mother went to the market certainly encountered many fruit, so close to the people ... even in the garden itself was (for those who have a garden) is often found.
Small children know a banana, or maybe they favorite food. Although just bananas but behind it all a lot of benefits ...

Bananas can prevent anemia

"Lack of blood" layman's terms to describe the condition caused by low levels of hemoglobin (Hb) of blood. Symptoms: pale face, weak-tired-drawn, easy fainting. These symptoms can also be called a lack of iron in the body, because iron is an essential ingredient forming hemoglobin (red blood grain). Normally a woman's hemoglobin 12-14 g per dL, whereas for males 14-18 g per dl. Banana is a fruit that has a lot of iron and iron substances can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood to help treat anemia.

Bananas can help improve memory

In the UK have done a study of 200 students who were doing school exams. Among them before the exam were told to eat a banana, satisfactory results have, students who participated in this study more easily complete the exam questions as compared to other students. Bananas are rich in potassium (compounds that boost memory skills)

Depression and stress are able relieved by eating bananas

Banana is a fruit that is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, the content is in the body is converted into serotonin, a substance that can improve mood (mood). The content of vitamin B may help control his nervous system, making us more relaxed. While we are stressed, our body metabolism increases so deplete potassium deposits, resulting in heart rate becomes less uniform. The content of potassium in the banana will help normalize the heartbeat, and even facilitate delivery of oxygen to the brain, and accelerate the body's fluid balance.

Hypertension and stroke can also be relieved by eating bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium, can reduce hypertension and stroke, with a very low sodium content. One magazine in the UK that never mentions the themed treatment banana eating everyday can reduce deaths caused srtoke up to 40 percent!

Other benefits of eating bananas

The content of natural antacids to reduce stomach acid production, relieve pain and reduce stomach irritation by coating the walls of the stomach. The content of B6 in bananas also stimulate bias stability of blood sugar levels, and make the mood more comfortable Banana what have properties-properties like that? In general, all types of bananas have properties-properties above, but it is eaten fresh, boiled or fried without

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