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Friday, November 23, 2012

Secret rambutan fruit

Rambutan seeds neutralize blood sugar levels

 Rambutan fruit
Rambutan fruit is a fruit native to Indonesia, (southeast asia), so named from the word rambutan hair, because fruit has a lot of hair or feathers around the skin of the fruit. The fruit is included in the class of the family Sapindaceae. While the scientific name Nephelium lappaceum.

Rambutan fruit consumed many people, due to the delicious taste, easy to get too much usefulness. Rambutan fruit flesh than is consumed, it is also consumed seeds, useful to neutralize the blood sugar levels.

Rambutan seeds do not contain toxic even contain many nutrients, carbohydrates and protein. With a variety of ingredients such chemicals rambutan seeds serve as Hypoglycemic or lowering blood sugar levels.

For patients with diabetes mellitus are advised to consume rambutan seeds as a snack, this is the secret of traditional medicines to lower blood sugar levels, especially when the blood sugar is high.

Use of rambutan seeds to neutralize blood sugar levels

Consuming rambutan seeds as ingredients neutralize blood sugar by boiling. Then take the juice to drink.

Another way to neutralize the rambutan seed utilization of blood sugar levels is by frying without the use of cooking oil. People used to call Java (sangrai). Roasted seeds are yellow rambutan until blackish. Then ground into powder. Brewed with hot water without sugar (like coffee) and get drunk. To maximize the benefits of rambutan seed, should be taken along with the sediments. Natural medicine should be taken before meals.

Other benefits contained in fruit rambutan

Meat rambutan fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron and many more. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C and calcium is quite high, so it is suitable to be consumed during the diet to lose weight or maintain weight.
In addition to fruit and seeds of rambutan, rambutan skin can be used to overcome dysentery and fever. Useful bark to prevent thrush. While the leaves are able to cope with diarrhea and black hair.

Prescription drug use as rambutan

Rambutan recipe

1. Seeds rambutan tackle diabetes

  •  Sangrai (fried without oil) 5 rambutan seeds, then ground into powder (such as      coffee).
  •  Pour 1 cup hot water, after a cold can drink as well (preferably with pulp-waste).
  •  Should be done 1x - 2x a day.

2. Rambutan fruit bark to overcome thrush

  •  Take 3 knuckles, rambutan fruit bark.
  •  Then boil with 2 cups water, up to 1 cup.
  •  Use to rinse his mouth while warm.

3. Rambutan skin to treat dysentery.

  •  Take 10 pieces of rambutan skin, then cut into pieces.
  •  Add 3 cups water, and boil until the water half.
  •  Once cool, strain and drink the water to 2x a day.

4. Rambutan skin to treat fever.

  •  15 grams of dried rambutan skin.
  •  Add 3 cups water, then boil for 15 minutes.
  •  Once cool, Strain and drink for 3 times a day.

5. Rambutan leaves for hair treatment (blackening).

  •  Pound rambutan leaf taste (until smooth).
  •  Add a little water, then stir until smooth, until it becomes dough like mush.
  •  Then squeezed with a cloth.- Juice was used to moisten the scalp.
  •  Do it until you see results.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Secret Cashew

Secret Cashew


Cashew or too many people call cashew nuts, can be used to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat.
Cashew Anacardium occidentale by the Latin name, have fibrous flesh is soft, and gassy. Actually, the meat was tender stalks are enlarged. Cashew fruit which is actually located at the end of the guava is often called the cashew / cashew nuts. Cashew shaped like a kidney with a hard skin and into pieces two.
The chemical content of Cashew include tannins, anacardic acid and cardol useful as an antibacterial and antiseptic. Cashew, leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin C, calories, protein, fat and carbohydrate. Other compounds owned cashew namely phosphorus, calcium, iron and water.
The contents are having the chemical properties of cashew relieve sore throat and sore mouth. Herbal Treatment usually use the leaves, so the leaves of the cashew fruit dab apparent from boiled cashew together, add some water, then drink the potion at a time when sickness morning and afternoon.
If eaten while still fresh, cashew fruit has a texture like a pear with a more tender meat. Skin from the cashew fruit reddish yellow which has properties that heal inflammation. While cashew leaves are aromatic smell to the taste of chocolate, but it has anti-inflammatory properties. Even cashew leaves are also useful for lowering blood sugar levels.

Prescription drug cashew

Cashew bark could treat diabetes

- Take 2 pieces of cashew stem bark and adas pulowaras (Foeniculum Vulgare) taste.
- Boil these ingredients with 2 quarts of water to a boil.
- Strain the water and drink 2x a day, morning and afternoon.

Cashew leaves can overcome dysentery

- Prepare a handful of cashew leaf and 1 slice of cashew stem bark.
- The material was boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boil.
- Filter and take the water to drink 2x a day, morning and afternoon.

Cashew leaves to treat inflammation of the mouth

- A handheld leaf and 1 slice of cashew cashew bark, boiled with 1 liter of water.
- After boiling, should be used to cool and strain.
- Drink 2x a day, morning and afternoon.

The benefits of cashew tree

1. Cashew bark to treat diabetes, ulcers, constipation and acne.
2. Seeds of cashew to treat toothache, gingivitis, weight gain.
3. Oil from cashew able to neutralize food poisoning.
4. Young leaves cashew for lowering high blood pressure, and relieve rheumatism and ulcers.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Secrets of red betel leaf

Secret of red betel leaf

Red Betel leaf

Betel leaf turns out to have many benefits to the world of drugs. Betel leaf contains high antiseptic, which is useful for a variety of diseases, including germs that cause itchy skin.
Betel plant originated from India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Betel leaves are used to treat body odor, bad breath, canker sores, itching and can also to cope with nosebleeds. Betel leaf has been shown to overcome the disease and natural medicine for health.
Betel leaf is known to contain natural antiseptic properties of phenol, phenol content is warm and spicy, mixed with bitterness and bitterness that comes from the sap. A red betel leaf also has a flavonoid substances, polivenol. Alkaloids, tannins, saponins and essential oils, and many other ingredients that also supports the use of red betel as medicine with high efficacy.

The benefits of red betel leaf content

- Polivenol Flafoid and serves as an antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
- Olkoloid on betel can be used as a barrier to the growth of cancer cells, colloids can also to lower blood sugar levels.
- Tannin beneficial to reduce the secretion of fluid in the vagina, protecting liver function and prevent diarrhea.

How to mix red betel leaf

1. Boiled, 3-5 fresh red betel leaves washed, then boiled with 2 cups water boil. This water can be drunk daily 2x - 3x before eating. If can not stand the bitter taste, can be mixed with honey to taste. For patients with severe disease, it is recommended to drink this potion for 2 consecutive weeks.
2. Made tea leaves, taking extracts of red betel leaves have dried and prepared as tea. Find red betel leaf that is quite old and washed, then sliced ​​into small pieces and dried in the sun to dry, after a dry squeeze-squeeze by hand until it is destroyed, so it feels more fresh can added jasmine green tea and dried. Betel leaf powder included in tea bags, while warm with a brewed drink.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Natural antidote

Kwalot is natural antidote


Kwalot, believed to be a medicinal plant that can be used as an antidote, Kwalot including the type of botanical scientific name Brucea javanica Merr be. Kwalot classified
timber plants that are tall shrubs to establish and belong to the health of plants, leaves kwalot it tastes very bitter. Name of the plant is not familiar, but in some places., Names of plants of the same species as a pot Male Padessa or Amber Pepper
With the bitter taste, the fruit kwalot seed can to prevent the spread of malaria in the body, and also serves to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause, dysentery. The seeds are extracted for medicinal mixture. The roots of the fruit can kwalot fever, rheumatism, cough and diarrhea treat.

While the leaves of the fruit kwalot often chosen as a natural remedy should be consumed. Be taken to treat to eat the stale food poisoning, can be used as an external medicine, when we ask were centipedes, snakes. Bitter taste in the fruit is actually toxic to the nature of cold. If this fruit extract or infusion into the body of water, the contents of which is one of heat and contribute to clarify toxins in the body. Other features to stop the bleeding, kills anti-joints parasites and malaria.

To treat malaria

- 7-10 kwalot seeds, 7 gr meniran, 1 g bark bark and 3 cups water.
- Boil the ingredients such as herbal medicine to drink.
- Drink 1x per day, for 14 days

Used to treat dysentery

- 7-10 kwalot beans, bring to a boil with 3 cups water.
- Do you drink per day for 2 weeks or until the digestive 1x was completely clean.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

secret jackfruit

Secret jackfruit

fruit also contains vitamin C, for people familiar with vitamin C is in citrus fruits, pineapple or strawberries. Properties of vitamin C found in the fruit jackfruit is an antioxidant that is useful to strengthen the immune system.
Fruit jackfruit by the Latin name Artocarpus heterophyllus has the energy content in the form of calories, carbohydrates and protein. This fruit can also be a vegetable, is an alternative food source, its Vitamin C good for immunity. Jackfruit is also rich in minerals and vitamins that are useful for health.
Efficacy jackfruit supported potassium, which treat hypertension and prevent infection, the jackfruit seeds also contain carbohydrates, protein and energy that is not less than the amount of fruit.
Jackfruit when consumed in conditions ripe taste sweet and sticky, there are calcium and phosphorus. Nutritionally there is also a form of the mineral content of iron both as an antioxidant to strengthen bones and teeth and digestion.
According to experts, natural herbal ingredients, jackfruit which is widely grown in the tropics is either to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, because they contain potassium which is useful to control blood pressure. Jackfruit fruit contains vitamins A, B and C in the form of compounds Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin which is good for natural medicine and health.
Jackfruit leaf extract widely recommended for antidiabetic drugs, but it could be to launch breast milk, and medicine wounds. While the jackfruit seeds can be used as a cough medicine, but only if you eat the fruit naturally, not too much, it can increase flatulence.

Ingredients and benefits of Jackfruit


- As a source of vitamin C and antioxidants that are good to help strengthen the immune system and enhance the function of white blood cells.
- Vitamin C and antioxidants are also good for maintaining electrolyte balance.
- Contains phytonutrients such as lignin, isoflavones and saponins that make up the body's protection against cancer cells.
- Contains natural sugars like fructose and sucrose, sweet fruit made fresh again.
- Contains minerals such as manganese, iron, vitamin B6, niacin, folic acid works to optimize body functions.

Secrets pineaple

Secret pineapple


Pineapple fruit, fruit is prickly, but also useful as an external medicine. It could also be to scrub you know ... make no mistake, Pineapple also able to secure for intake and gastric ulcer patients. Pineapple trees usually thrive and experience in the tropics, the fruit can be harvested 2x sometimes 3x in one year, so the fruit can we meet throughout the year.Pineapple fruit pulp contains photochemical, good for health. Photochemical substance is an antioxidant for the body, antioxidants can be found in plants that have biological activity that is very beneficial for health.Pineapple fruit contains antioxidants than vitamin C, in addition to immunity, also useful for the health of the skin, especially on dry skin exposed from the sun.Pineapple as an antioxidant, can reduce acidity in the stomach, hence the pineapple flavor despite having high acidity but not dangerous for people with ulcers.Besides pineapple contains vitamin C, also have vitamin A, both of these have a role of antioxidants in the body. Other ingredients contained in pineapple are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and sodium. In fact according to the study, pineapple fruit also contains potassium, dextrose, sucrose and the enzyme bromelain.Bromelain is believed to be anti-inflammatory, and therefore pineapple can also help heal wounds on the skin surface. While working in the anti-inflammatory stomach helps soften the food. Fiber content can facilitate the process of defecation in constipated stomach. Even the leaves of the pineapple fruit is used to reduce fever or pyretic.

The benefits of pineapple

- Pineapple Juice beneficial treat stomach worms, sore throat, and digestive problems.- Air pineapple juice mixed with lemon beneficial to eliminate dandruff. This herb is simply rubbed on the surface of the scalp until evenly, before going to bed, then the next day washing your hair.- Crushed pineapple leaves could be to treat burns and ulcers, itching.- Freshly squeezed pineapple can be drunk, efficacious for treating constipation, to use the more potent efficacy of pineapple fruit is ripe.

Side effects pineapple

- Young Pineapple potential as obortivum- Triggering rheumatism, because pineapples fermented into alcohol in the digestive tract. Therefore rheumatism and arthritis sufferers are encouraged to limit consumption of pineapple.- Sap cause itching, preferably pineapple soaked in salt water before consumption.