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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Secrets pineaple

Secret pineapple


Pineapple fruit, fruit is prickly, but also useful as an external medicine. It could also be to scrub you know ... make no mistake, Pineapple also able to secure for intake and gastric ulcer patients. Pineapple trees usually thrive and experience in the tropics, the fruit can be harvested 2x sometimes 3x in one year, so the fruit can we meet throughout the year.Pineapple fruit pulp contains photochemical, good for health. Photochemical substance is an antioxidant for the body, antioxidants can be found in plants that have biological activity that is very beneficial for health.Pineapple fruit contains antioxidants than vitamin C, in addition to immunity, also useful for the health of the skin, especially on dry skin exposed from the sun.Pineapple as an antioxidant, can reduce acidity in the stomach, hence the pineapple flavor despite having high acidity but not dangerous for people with ulcers.Besides pineapple contains vitamin C, also have vitamin A, both of these have a role of antioxidants in the body. Other ingredients contained in pineapple are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and sodium. In fact according to the study, pineapple fruit also contains potassium, dextrose, sucrose and the enzyme bromelain.Bromelain is believed to be anti-inflammatory, and therefore pineapple can also help heal wounds on the skin surface. While working in the anti-inflammatory stomach helps soften the food. Fiber content can facilitate the process of defecation in constipated stomach. Even the leaves of the pineapple fruit is used to reduce fever or pyretic.

The benefits of pineapple

- Pineapple Juice beneficial treat stomach worms, sore throat, and digestive problems.- Air pineapple juice mixed with lemon beneficial to eliminate dandruff. This herb is simply rubbed on the surface of the scalp until evenly, before going to bed, then the next day washing your hair.- Crushed pineapple leaves could be to treat burns and ulcers, itching.- Freshly squeezed pineapple can be drunk, efficacious for treating constipation, to use the more potent efficacy of pineapple fruit is ripe.

Side effects pineapple

- Young Pineapple potential as obortivum- Triggering rheumatism, because pineapples fermented into alcohol in the digestive tract. Therefore rheumatism and arthritis sufferers are encouraged to limit consumption of pineapple.- Sap cause itching, preferably pineapple soaked in salt water before consumption.

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